Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I had a dream

and there was one thing that stuck out in my mind.
"I want a girl with dust in her eyes"
In the dream I was in a classroom. Instead of challenging the symbolism, my classmates laughed at me... or whoever was in my perspective. I never see myself in my dreams. Anyway, I woke up and couldn't shake the quote.
Possible imagery/
1. a low or humble condition
2. disturbace; turmoil
3. debris; junk
throw dust in someone's eyes: to mislead; deceive:
So far it all seems so negative. The most in depth I got was that I wanted someone humble, but who still expresses their grief. I don't want someone misleading however, so the dream has me stumped. Why are all of my dreams so strangely abstract? It's always too early for symbolism.


  1. You...dork. I love you so much right now. Of course you would include alternate definitions for "dust."

    I agree with you that it was a strange dream. You're right about the humble part, but I think you got lost after that. I actually really like this quote. My take is that you want someone who always keeps their eyes open because they haven't always been treated well. It's not a bad thing if you consider that people balance one another...after all, you're the type of person that would rather keep one eye shut and the other only focused on what you want to focus on.

    Interesting food for discussion you had here. Lerves.

  2. And I love you for providing just the conclusion I was yearning for. Thanks! Haha
